Puppy or Dog Application

Kay-Tay Bichon Puppy or Dog Application

Please Print, (or Copy and Paste as an email) Complete and Return to the Breeder. Don't let the number of questions intimidate you. Answer as many questions as you can. This will help ensure everyone is happy! These are all things that you should consider before getting a puppy/dog.

 Info about yourself and family:

1.      Date:

2.      Name:

3.      Address:

4.      Phone:

5.      Email:

6.      Age:

7.      Occupation:

8.      Who lives in your household? (Adults, children, other pets):

Info about what you are searching for:

1.      Are you looking for an adult or puppy? Male or Female? How set are you on those preferences?

2.      What is your timeline for obtaining a dog?

3.      What kind of interaction are you expecting with your dog?

4.      Will you be doing any competition or performance events?

5.      Do you agree with a pet contract requiring spay/neuter and does not allow for any breeding rights?

Info about your readiness for a bichon:

1.      Have you researched bichons?

2.      What do you like about them?

3.      What concerns do you have?

4.      Where will your puppy/dog be in your home? What about when you are away?

5.      Do you have a veterinarian and groomer, or will you need assistance finding one?

6.      Have you had pets in the past? Tell me about them.

Long term plans:

1.      Do you own or rent your home? If you rent/lease, documentation that a dog is allowed will be required.

2.      Are you planning to relocate in the future?

3.      If you were to become temporarily unable to care for your dog, who would take over care?

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application and consider all these issues, we strive to place our puppies in the best homes possible.  Please call me if you have questions about any of these areas.


{NOTE: Providing this application is not an Offer to sell a dog. Also, submission of an application is not an Acceptance of an Offer and does not in any way guarantee that you will be considered for a dog or that one will be sold and placed with you.}